Women’s Clinic in Sharjah Gynaecologist sharjah

Abortion Clinic in Dubai Madinat Al Sultan Qaboos


We are the best women clinic in Sharjah. We provide you with information about women’s health services such as the risks, methods-(both medical and surgical) and after care options available to you


we specialize in pain-free surgical & non surgical pregnancy termination in Sharjah


Our clinic focuses on contraceptive means of family planning in Sharjah


Treatment of menstrual problem, sexual problem, and infertility.

In our practice, we specialize in pain-free surgical and non surgical pregnancy termination. We don’t just give you pregnancy termination pills and let you go home.

We start by doing Sonar to confirm your pregnancy, we insert pills and when you start spotting or bleed

ding, the Medical Doctor will do the womb cleaning. It is done under a pain-free anaesthesia administered into your vein. The cleaning itself take between 5-7 minutes, while the anaesthesia will wear off in 30-45 minutes.

You will need to rest in the recovery room for about 30 to 45 minutes before you are allowed to go home.

You will need to come back for a free check-up in 5 days after the pregnancy termination. The check-up is free, thus there is no excuse for not coming back. if you don’t come and present later with any complications, the Clinic is not liable.

We also do :

  • Sonar,
  • Pap SmearWomen's Clinic Sharjah
  • Birth Control,
  • Ante-Natal Care
  • Female sterilization,
  • Medical consultation,
  • HIV test and counselling,
  • Loop Insertion and removal.

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